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- [Recording] Ensure Everyone Can Access Your Adobe Captivate Courses – Diane Elkins
[Recording] Ensure Everyone Can Access Your Adobe Captivate Courses – Diane Elkins
This training demonstrates the steps to create accessible eLearning courses using Adobe Captivate.
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I am an Instructional Designer with 12+ years of experience in different
industries and areas, skilled in designing numerous learning and training
materials, while working closely with faculty, subject matter experts,
professionals, departments, and training team members to design top-quality
instructional content. I have been using Adobe Captivate for several years to
design industry standard e-learning courses. I am looking forward to learn and
share my knowledge in this community.

Followers: 145 people
I am an Instructional Designer with 12+ years of experience in different
industries and areas, skilled in designing numerous learning and training
materials, while working closely with faculty, subject matter experts,
professionals, departments, and training team members to design top-quality
instructional content. I have been using Adobe Captivate for several years to
design industry standard e-learning courses. I am looking forward to learn and
share my knowledge in this community.
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