May 7, 2023
How to retrieve the user details by using user’s email address in Adobe Learning Manager API
May 7, 2023
How to retrieve the user details by using user’s email address in Adobe Learning Manager API
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ALM API endpoint to retrieve user details using email ID

The Adobe Learning Manager v2 API is mostly based on using system IDs to retrieve or insert details of learning objects, users and many other entities of the LMS.

In this article we will show you how to retrieve the user details using their email address which is registered in the LMS, in this approach you do not have to first retrieve the user details of all the users of the LMS and then try to search the details of a specific user from a huge list of JSON response from the system.

As an Admin you can use the below API endpoint and filter to retrieve only the details of a specific user using their email address.

API endpoint to retrieve user details using email address

The concept here is to GET the details of all the users and filter out only a specific record containing a specific email address in the filter. In the Ids filter specify the email address of the user with syntax as –


filter to user email address and retrieve user details from Adobe Learning Manager API

The response JSON statement will have the details of only the user whose email address is specified in the filter, sample response show below –

“data”: [


“id”: “15263446”,

“type”: “user”,

“attributes”: {

“avatarUrl”: “”,

“binUserId”: “aa892b95-eba4-4a74-9001-57a558101443”,

“bio”: “”,

“contentLocale”: “en-US”,

“email”: “”,

“enrollOnClick”: true,

“fields”: {

“inactive”: “usr”,

“Store”: [




“gamificationEnabled”: false,

“lastLoginDate”: “2023-05-07T08:24:57.000Z”,

“metadata”: {},

“name”: “Anupam Gogoi”,

“pointsEarned”: 5600,

“pointsRedeemed”: 200,

“profile”: “Engineer”,

“roles”: [





“Integration Admin”,



“state”: “ACTIVE”,

“timeZoneCode”: “IST”,

“uiLocale”: “en-US”,

“userType”: “Internal”,

“userUniqueId”: “”


“relationships”: {

“account”: {

“data”: {

“id”: “108079”,

“type”: “account”







Video demonstration on how to use the GET users API endpoint with email address filter –

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