I am rebuilding a training and I’m running into an issue. This is an older training built in captivate and I am updating the content. I have a series of quiz questions throughout the training, but these are not a “Pass or Fail” type questions. If you get the question wrong, it will take you to the slide/slides with the answer and after you are taken back to the quiz to re-answer it. You keep doing this till you get the answer right. You should not be able to move forward till you get the answer correct.
I build trainings like this in Storyline all the time without issue (“Reset to initial state” when returning to that slide.) but Captivate always seems to require script to do things like this. The only script I can think of would reset ALL the quiz questions, which is something I don’t want to do. I would build it in Storyline, but it was originally built in Captivate and I can’t change it due to time constraints.
Does anyone know how or even if this can be done?

For some weird reason this question is amongst the blogs.
Captivate has this feature built in, it is labeled as ‘Remediation’. You need to customize the content slide which is used for remediation: it needs a custom Next button with the action ‘Return to Quiz’. That Next button has a double functionality:
- When it is clicked in the normal content flow, it will ignore the action ‘Return to Quiz’ but act as a real Next button.
- When it is clicked after the learner was navigated to this slide from a quiz slide, learner will be returned to the quiz slide and be able to edit their answer.
This is a very old feature from release 6, the original YouTube video can be found here: