July 9, 2023
Need to have a dynamic image that imports at runtime
July 9, 2023
Need to have a dynamic image that imports at runtime
Followers: 0 people

We have several people taking this course. Based on who is taking it, we send text information to display content through variables.

Now we need to be able to display their logo. So this is a dynamic image that needs to be set at runtime.

How can we do this?

We have played around with web object, but they require static URLs.

1 Comment
Jul 13, 2023
Jul 13, 2023

Second attempt to post an answer.

You don’t specify which version you are using, so I am posting a possible workflow for Classic Captivate.

I hope you already figured out the link between the LMS profile of the user and the needed logo in any way.

If the number of logos is not too big, you could opt for an approach with a multistate object, with each logo in a state and show the appropriate state based on the result of the above described link. A bit similar for another use case (learner chooses) is explained in this blog post:



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