July 20, 2023
How to make an image move across the stage
July 20, 2023
How to make an image move across the stage
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In Captivate 2019 I could place an image on the stage and use an animation to move it across the stage. I have an image that is several times wider than my course and I want it to scroll across the stage. I am trying to do this in Captivate 2023 and there doesn’t seem to be a way? Maybe the responsive only design prohibits you from doing that but I can’t make my image any bigger than the stage and I definitely can’t move it off the stage. Any help?

Jul 27, 2023
Jul 27, 2023

Sure, I totally agree. None of my clients has ever required a responsive project. Not all content is fitting to be ‘consumed’ on mobile devices, and you loss a lot of control as developer. For that reason both version 11.8.2 and 12 are available on the same license. Version 11.8.2 has all the controls and roundtripping with other Adobe applications which you need for great eLearning, non-responsive (but rescalable) courses.

Jul 21, 2023
Jul 21, 2023

You are correct, it is the needed responsiveness for any new Captivate project which is the culprit. Did you ever try to do this in a Fluid Boxes project in CP2019? Moreover you are limited to using the media blocks to insert an image and the restrictions are quite high for them, due to the fact they need to be able to show everything in any screen browser on any device, Portrati or Landscape mode. How would you combine that with your big scrolling image? In a non-responsive project it is a breeze, but not in a responsive project.

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