Working with new Captivate, every time I start a new project, create slides then do a Save it throws up this message and goes into an infinite spinning wheel display. Previously was just occasionally.
This is wrongly posted as a blog post instead of a Question (discussion).
Couple of quesions for you. The path to your Cache folder is not the default path. What is the D-drive? Is it an extra drive or partition on your system or is it a shared drive in a network? The Cache still has the same functionality and in previous versions could also be a second backup (when zipping the cache folder). I didn’t check out if that is still the same for version 12.
Second question: is the Documents folder synchronized with OneDrive?
Last possibility: the project or Captivate may be corrupted. You could try to clean the Preferences by running the file in ‘utils’, a subfolder under the installation folder of Captivate.
The question was what to do about this situation. I deleted and re-installed the application. That worked for a awhile then today the same crash and error message happened again. Lost all my work on that project. What is the default path for the cache folder? The D drive is my documents drive, shared I believe. Documents folder synched with OneDrive I believe, not sure how to verify that. Did run the utils, worked for awhile then another crash. Frustrating. Thanks, still consider Version 12 to be pre-release, so to speak.
My fear is indeed about the shared folder for cache. Default path is indeed in Documents, normally on the C-drive (but I also use D-drive myself).
You could have the same problems with Classic Captivate (11.8.2) which still is my preferred version because version 12 is too limited for what I need in eLearning courses. My clients never asked for a responsive project, which is the cause of those limitations. I don’t believe that anything can be learned on a smartphone, sorry.