January 26, 2024
Mass Audit
I was curious if anyone has a way to audit a large amount of Captivate files for key words?
For context, an example would be if I have 57 lessons I need to audit for the word “crisis” in order to substitute it for the word, “predicament”.
The current method is extremely tedious and time consuming – going through each file individually and checking for the specific text.
My initial thought was possibly exploring AI to scan for key words, but I don’t even think it’s possible to upload a SCORM file or Zip file into an AI system.
Any suggestions or tips?
1 Comment
Feb 1, 2024
It’s possible you could use a tool like Agent Ransack, which is designed to allow you to search for filenames and files that contain text; or even something like Microsoft Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text. There are at least two items to note:
- The source files (.cpt files) contain files that are compressed – so you [probably] won’t be able to use Agent Ransack to find ‘containing text’ within those files.
- Some words are shared for other reasons and might find those key words for unrelated reasons.
It’s best if you can search for more than just one word, if they would be found together and you should try to run on the published files.
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