February 25, 2025
Captivate 12.5 quiz reset
February 25, 2025
Captivate 12.5 quiz reset


I have created a course, split into 5 modules, with a 3-question quiz after the first 3 modules and a final 6 questions at the end, for a total of 15 questions.

TOC and the playbar are disabled, only have a single attempt due to the type of questions being asked and 100% pass rate is also required. The question slides are captivate built in ones.

Unlimited tries is not something we want as their result will indicate to us whether any further training is needed.

If a question is answered incorrectly, the user is redirected back to the start of that module, to go through again.

This I have done.

My problem is when the user goes back through the module and arrives back at the questions they are ‘greyed’ out and can no longer go forwards or backwards. The only option is to exit the course.

Is it possible to reset the questions so they can be answered again by the user?

Thank you in advance

1 week ago
1 week ago

A little bit of JavaScript is all you need: cpQuizInfo.resetQuiz();

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