March 4, 2025
Slide videos from YouTube -causing problems
March 4, 2025
Slide videos from YouTube -causing problems
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Hi, I am using Captivate classic latest version and have done eLearnings for many years. Sometimes I like to add a YouTube link as a side Video. Now lately I have problem to insert them into Captivate, I go support from Adobe and it was solved for maybe two weeks and then I had an other project where I liked to add a video link I had same issue again. I have found information like this:

I have tried to change to embed, but that is not working. I will try again to not be on our work network and see if I have same problems. I think I have tested this before. YouTube have made some changes like you have to be singed in, this can be a problem for the eLearning users when playing and the learning has a slide video and they are not signed in in that web browser, for me it works “still” if you launch the eLearning after you have signed in.

Has anyone same experiences? and how to do you solve this?

1 Comment
1 week ago
1 week ago

Are you the original uploader of the YouTube content, or does someone else own this content? I ask because the uploader may have disabled embedding on their YouTube channel, which would prevent people like eLearning developers from using their material. Also, some videos are not available in certain countries. In addition, there are some issues for iOS users viewing YouTube videos embedded into the eLearning course, but it’s something outside of what Adobe can control.

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