July 13, 2011
Adding Event-based Effects to Objects with Adobe Captivate
July 13, 2011
Adding Event-based Effects to Objects with Adobe Captivate
Pooja works as a Senior Director of Digital Learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD, and COTP certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.
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In Adobe Captivate 5/5.5, you can add different effects to your objects, like motion path, color effect, filter, emphasis, etc.

The common path to add effects to your object is time-based effect, where you simply right-click the object and apply the desired effect(s). When you preview the screen, the effect appears as soon as the object appears on the screen.

The road less traveled is to associate the effect with an event to trigger the animation/effect. For example, on a click of a button or after a specific slide begins. Here’s a screen with such an effect:

Found it interesting? Here are some simple steps to apply event-based effects:

  1. Add an object that will trigger the effect. In this example, a button.
  2. Add an object to which you want to apply effect. In this example, an image.
  3. Select the button.
  4. In the Properties Inspector, under Action accordion, select On Success action to Apply Effect.
  5. Select the image label as Object Name and click the Animation Palette button.
  6. An event-based animation trigger for the selected object is created and listed in the Effects panel. Select the event-based trigger and apply the effect to this object.

Let me know if you found this workflow useful or have any questions by leaving a comment on this post.

Happy Captivating! 🙂

Apr 22, 2015
Apr 22, 2015

The apply effects in the Advance Action is not working with Drag and Drop interaction. Does anybody knows how to fix this?

Nov 29, 2011
Nov 29, 2011

What wasn’t explained in above was the last step, how to add an effect. In my version of Captivate there is a tiny litte “fx” button in the lower left corner of the effects window. It doesn’t say Add Effect. Click that button, and you will find all the effects you can add. So glad to have learned this.

Aug 8, 2011
Aug 8, 2011

I follow all the steps and I’m able to select the event (a button) from the Animation Trigger. But it doesn’t work when I view in either in a published file or in the browser. The Animation Trigger always goes back to the (Self) Time-based animation. Even after I select my event.

Anyone know why it is not working? I’m using Captivate 5

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