For those of you who create and sell your own courses, which platform is your favorite and why. Thanks!
I participate in other ID and EL Dev platforms and I see a high level of interest in business topics related to either finding a job as an e-learning designer, or best practices and tips for growing one’s own business. Topics like how much to charge, how to market yourself, what to avoid, etc. seem to be especially popular. I would like to suggest adding another blog category in this forum covering these topics. I bet members of this community […]
Looking for an affordable and flexible LMS to host training modules for multiple clients, from small to bigger organizations. What would you recommend? Thanks, Agnes
Hello Captivate Community – I assume there are a lot of freelancers out there, so I have a question for you. What are the best strategies for growing your business and generating work in the field of e-learning development? What worked best for you – subcontracting, direct marketing, word-of-mouth, platforms like Upwork, etc. Just looking for ideas. Thanks, Agnes
This is my first experience with a more sophisticated authoring tool, beyond PowerPoint or simple video platforms. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous about learning a whole new system, but Adobe Activate made it super easy. Especially that it has that familiar basic logic of PowerPoint but with a much more robust and powerful functionality. The availability of advice, tutorial, tricks and tips is super helpful for someone who is just beginning to learn the platform. And […]
If you’re developing video courses, here is a quick summary of 12 principles developed by Richard E. Mayer, which you may want to familiarize yourself with for the best learning outcome: 1. Multimedia – People learn better from words and pictures than from words alone 2. Coherence – People learn better when extraneous information is excluded 3. Signaling – People learn better when cues are added that highlight the key information and its organization 4. Spatial and temporal contiguity – […]
This is my first demo project, I completed using the Adobe Captivate 2019. This is a prototype, so not super polished, but I wanted to share it as a sample of the capabilities. I welcome your feedback and any tips or advice you could offer. Thanks.Agnes
If you’re doing any kind of creative work, such as designing or developing e-learning modules, you know how hard it may to be get your thoughts together and get into the groove of creativity and productivity. So, it’s an absolute MUST for any creative workers to be able to create the right environment, conducive to focused tasks and creative output. If you’re struggling with finding quiet time and space at work to focus on your creative e-learning design work, you’re […]
I’ve heard that many government entities have very strict rules related to making sure learning modules can be accessed by people with disabilities. Has anyone worked on e-modules for the government that had to meet such accessibility criteria and would like to share your experience? Thank you.
So I recently realized that it is taking me way too long to do my voiceovers. What is the most efficient way to get them done? I am new to it so I’m trying to find some shortcuts to quick and easy ways to get them done. Thanks.
I am trying to pick the best microphone, for the best voiceover quality, and I’m having a really hard time picking one. Way too many options. Could someone send me a quick recommendation and save me some time and anguish about this decision? Thanks a ton.