One of the biggest challenges that learning and development administrators face is engaging employees in training. The growing market for learning experience platforms – or LXPs – is an exciting opportunity to address this problem. LXPs are reinventing how workers gain new skills and receive training by incorporating features from the most popular platforms online. They deliver a wide range of content in a personalized manner, not unlike Netflix, with social features to boot. As a result, LXPs can greatly […]
For better or worse, the technology stack in learning & development has become increasingly complex over the years. The reason is fundamentally good: There are more ways than ever to design, deliver and track L&D programs. But it has also made the decision of which technology to invest in more complicated than ever. One basic question L&D leaders must confront is whether to invest in learning management systems (LMS) or learning experience platforms (LXP) – or both. To make that […]
One of the biggest challenges that companies face as they try to improve their learning & development programs is time. With today’s technology, L&D professionals can get granular data on how learners interact with content, what resonates and what does not. That information is a goldmine for refining L&D strategies and making training more efficient and effective. However, manually sifting through data and updating content can be too time consuming an endeavor to undertake. Artificial intelligence tools are the answer […]
When it comes to learning new skills, no two workers are the same. Each has a unique set of existing knowledge, preferred methods of learning, and personal interests or passions that fuel career goals. Yet many companies offer standardized learning and development (L&D) programs that do not take individuality into consideration. Rather than building a learner-centric environment, they offer pre-defined training modules with a one-size-fits all approach that risk repeating knowledge and disengaging learners. “The way training has historically been […]
Workplace learning was one of the earliest and hardest-hit industries by the coronavirus pandemic, according to a recent piece by McKinsey. Several months into the crisis, many organizations have set up online learning tools as a substitute for those person-to-person interactions. But what happens as travel picks up again and in-person learning becomes an opportunity once more? For many, the crisis only accelerated a trend that was already underway. LinkedIn Learning’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report notes that learning and development budgets have been […]
Learning and development initiatives continue to gravitate online – a trend that existed before the coronavirus pandemic and one that has only accelerated since companies have had to quickly shift all in-person interactions, including in-person learning, into virtual formats. But that is not the only way that L&D programs must adapt to a post-coronavirus world: Their very structure and content must also shift to fit workers’ evolving needs. Remote workplaces as a standard The pandemic is likely to have long-lasting […]
During times of financial uncertainty, many companies look for ways to cut back costs – and learning and development budgets are often the first to go, according to Training Zone. But as blogger Lisa Gillespie writes, “This is a false economy. We must continue to learn or we stagnate.” Companies should not cut back on L&D – but should double down to help their workforce adapt and pivot as needed to ensure the future success of the business. Companies that are […]
A future skills framework is essential for companies to not only make smart decisions today about how to organize teams and hire talent, but to future-proof themselves as skills continue to become obsolete and evolve at an unprecedented rate. Think of a skills framework as a common understanding across an organization of how to define and measure roles and skills. Once established, it informs nearly every aspect of managing talent: job descriptions, role expectations, goals, performance reviews, career advancement, skills development, […]
Careers no longer progress in a neat line from learning to earning to retirement. Not only are people more likely to change jobs and even career tracks over the course of their lifetimes, freelancers who contract out their skills rather than work for an employer have become a significant portion of the labor market. Nearly half of working millennials fall into this category. This shift is starting to transform human resource strategy and the traditional job hunt. Whereas candidates used […]
Without a systematic approach to tracking talent within workforces, enterprises risk wasting precious time and resources duplicating efforts and recruiting skills without taking advantage of the assets they already have on board. Skills are becoming outdated faster than ever as technology drives unprecedented change across industries. Having a clear idea of what talent already exists on a team and what skills are missing is essential to staying competitive and relevant in every industry marketplace. Enterprises must know the state of […]
If you have been in the workforce even a few years, you may have noticed that people graduating with the same degree as you already have skills you did not learn. The pace of change in skills, regardless of the line of work, is so rapid today that workers must constantly retrain and upskill to make sure they stay at the top of their game. The “half-life of skills,” which measures how long skills are relevant in the workforce, is […]
Standard terms and qualifications used to be enough to classify workers. There was a basic understanding of the underlying skills a specific occupation would need for the job. Today, however, those skills are constantly evolving. Skills ontology is a categorization of skills that builds a common language of skills, defining the aspects of a specific job rather than relying on blanket terms and vague descriptions. Some good examples of skills ontology in action include a marketer who needs to be […]