Objects out of sync with slide

Hello All, I have had this happen on a few of my projects where when I go to preview a slide, the object are off kilter from what they are to be attached to. I have included before after afters for you. I have no idea what’s causing this. Please help

Copy/Paste slides from one software demo to another

Hello, I have noticed in the past two days that when attempt to copy and paste slides from one software demo to another, it shifts the highlight boxes and text captions off from their targets and creates a strange overlay effect. This hasn’t been the case in the past.  Is this a known glitch? Is there a workaround? Please help! Thanks!

How to get rid of keystrokes

Hello – does anyone know how to get rid of the keystroke lines on a software simulation that show up after it’s published?  Thank you!

Inserting slides

Hello, Is anyone else having issues inserting a blank slide or being able to move slide positions in the film strip view? I have been having glitches with this all day today. Is this a known issue?