A3C System Downtime

Update – The upgrade is completed and system is up. You can start using the system.   Adobe Captivate Course Companion (A3C) system will be down for approximately 24 hours starting at 0000 hrs (PST) on 31st October, 2013. This is required for a critical update of the back-end software. Please plan accordingly. We apologize for any inconvenience.   -A3C Team

Adobe Captivate 4 and Flash Player 11 Issue

Adobe Captivate 4 has issues when Flash Player 11 is installed on the machine. It throws error  message specifically when you try to work with Widgets. Please follow the steps below to fix this problem –   Download a file to fix this issue in Adobe Captivate 4 from here – https://acrobat.com/#d=75WgKXP98aw9GX0nWPiS3w Instructions –   Close Adobe Captivate 4 if it is running. Download the file as indicated above and extract the file to a known location on your computer. Go […]

Course Companion for Adobe Captivate

Are you achieving your course objectives? Do you know if the course is being well received? Do you know how your learners are progressing? Do you know if your learners are learning from the course? Now Course Companion for Adobe® Captivate® will easily provide you with answers to these questions and many more. Adobe Captivate team launches a preview of this new solution on Adobe Labs. Course Companion for Adobe® Captivate® (A3C) provides content creators with insights that help understand the […]

Adobe Captivate 5 – Enhancements in TOC Feature

Table of Contents (aka TOC) feature was introduced in Adobe Captivate 4. It was an immediate hit with Adobe Captivate users and we had gotten lot of feedback and enhancement requests for this feature. We are glad that we have been able to absorb most of it. These enhancements make TOC much more powerful, more usable and good looking. I am writing down some of the enhancements below – Go to Settings Dialog (Project -> Table of Contents -> Settings) […]

Text-to-Speech – User Dictionary Editor

Text2Speech,Pronunciation Adobe Captivate 4 Text-to-Speech feature gives a Dictionary Editor tool to add or change the pronunciation for a word. This tool is available at <Adobe Captivate Installation Dir>VT<agent>M16binUserDicEng.exe. The default version of this tool is not unlocked. So when a word is added/changed and its pronunciation is tested, it announces that it is a trial license. This post explains how to fix this. Follow the steps below to correct this problem in your installation – 1. Open the Windows […]

Tips for Publish to AVI in Adobe Captivate 4

publish to avi,captivate 4,codec,youtube With Adobe Captivate 4, you can publish your Captivate project directly as an AVI file. This enables you to create demos using Captivate and upload them as AVI files on media sharing websites like YouTube etc. There are a few points which you need to keep in mind before proceeding with publishing your projects as AVI.  Any media encoding process requires a considerable amount of processing power. Publishing to AVI is no different, because it converts […]

Silent Install for Captivate 4

SilentInstall Just a quick note about installing Captivate 4 in silent mode (or from command line) Captivate 4 uses a different installer technology than Captivate 3 and hence the way silent installation is done has changed from previous version. Please go through http://www.adobe.com/go/kb405451 to know how you can do silent installation for Captivate 4. I understand that this page does not mention Captivate explicitly, but it will work as the technology is same as CS. We are working on getting […]

Auto Calculate Caption Timing

CaptionTiming "I inserted a caption with some small text. I changed the display time for this caption as ‘5 Seconds’. I preview the project and everything looks fine. Oops, I made a small mistake in the caption. I double-click and edit it. I press OK. Oh! the caption timing is reset to 3 seconds!!! Bug in captivate??? ". If you have faced this scenario OR facing it, then let me start by saying that this is not a bug. And […]