captivate 2023 12.0

how do we add new voices to the new captivate 12.0 text to speech?

captivate 2019 speech agents

how to add other speech agents. How to add custom speech agents. I KNOW adobe has built one, but I would like to add custom ones, is this possible, does anyone know. Some labs will listen to a voice and add it, how can we do that in captivate, well is it possible?

captivate 2023

Will I be able top open captivate 2019 files with the project charm captivate?

system audio

Anyone knows how to shut off system audio only, clicks and such, without muting my narrations, on already existing lessons, not new ones thanks Bassam

quiz mechanics

Need to have student return to slide with material if they get the answer wrong twice, then return back to quiz, any ideas please?