Time Limit for a Project

Time Limit for a Project

Editing Post Results Dialog Box

Editing Post Results Dialog Box

Quiz Reporting – Report for Every Attempt

I would like to have a report sent for each attempt on a quiz, pass or fail, and still allow the user to retake the quiz if they do fail and have a new report sent. I bring this up as I have not found the correct settings to achieve this. I am either ending up with a quiz that only allows one attempt in order to get the report no matter the score or a quiz that allows a […]

My Responsive Project is not resizing to utilize the whole screen.

My responsive project is not exactly populating the way that I would hope when viewed on a mobile device. The written content within the fluid box is condensing rather than filling the area. This leaves a small box with some of the text and an icon to expand and read in a new frame. How do I get the text to fill the screen more fully in this type of project?