Back button will not go to previous slide. It jumps to the next slide. Properties for button: On Success: Go to previous slide Infinite attempts: checked *Also tried this to try to overwrite/remove the incorrect action: On Success: Execute Advance Actions Script: Jump to Side Slide# Wherever I wanted to to got to Infinite attempts: checked *Also tried this to try to overwrite/remove the incorrect action: On Success: Execute Advance Actions Script: Go to previous slide Infinite attempts: checked Note: […]
Having problems with my back buttons. Either they don’t work, or they jump to the next slide. I’ve input the criteria: Back buttons Transparent Go to previous slide Timing 3 Timing/0 appear after/1.5 pause after There are no click boxes covering the button Note: I have lots of other slides that work perfectly well. I’ve cross referenced the properties / timing/ style/ ect to ensure that everything is the same. I’ve actually deleted the malfunctioning ones and reinserted them again, […]
I can’t edit a PowerPoint slide which was imported to captivate. The click box surrounds the entire slide, not allowing me to edit the slide.