Question – User Clicking an Object First

Hello, Are we able to have an object or image in Captivate that users must click first before viewing the rest of the slide?  For example, all the other content is greyed out until the user first clicks the colored item on the screen.  Once the colored item on the screen is clicked, the greyed out items are then viewable (colored).  Is this possible in Captivate? Thank you for the help and guidance. Chandra

How do I change the color of the numbers within a quiz slide?

 You’ll notice I was able to change the C ) answer. I’m having a hard time replicating this for A ) and B ).   Appreciate the community helping. Chandra

Captivate Video Capabilities

Is Captivate able to produce a slide where video is playing in the foreground and slide information is playing behind or to the side of the video? What we are thinking is to green screen a speaker talking in the video with information coming on and off the screen in the background. Thank you for your guidance.

Virtual Reality Using Captivate

I read in a post that Captivate can be used to create virtual reality learning.  This is not a method I’ve used. I would like to open the question to the community to hear best practices for this training technique.

Question: Authoring Tool Current Practice – Captivate, Lectora, and Storyline

I am a huge fan of Captivate.  I believe it’s a powerful tool that fosters a variety of training – simulations, demonstrations, courses, knowledge checks. Do users in the community find they primarily use one authoring tool or multiple? If multiple, are there examples or best practices you’ve discovered for blending authoring tools? I look forward to hearing from the community.