We now have a fix for Adobe Captivate 5 content with Text Animations not playing in the latest Flash Player issue, which does *NOT* require a republish of the entire project! We have an application ‘CaptivateFP10Fixer’ which when given an affected Adobe Captivate 5 SWF with Text Animation, will give an Adobe Captivate 5 SWF that plays fine in the latest Flash Player.
Adobe Captivate 5 provides the ability to check spelling for text in your project such as text captions, slide notes, text animations and quizzes. Compared to Adobe Captivate 4, Adobe Captivate 5 has been enhanced to check spelling of text in Buttons and Table of Contents also. Before you start spell check, you can customize the type of words you want check via the Spelling Options dialog. These are provided under ‘General Settings’ in the Preferences dialog. You can also […]