I am having an issues where in my projects, the slide audio will be cut off for the users (in both preview mode AND published to our LMS). It will end about 1-2 seconds prematurely. This is how it looks. I tried extending the slide length too, but the same thing happens. Should I put the audio on an object on the slide? Can I prevent this? The audio is narration that is very important for users to hear. I […]
The situation- The SME’s wanted the drag and drop sequencing for their training. Sadly, they also think it’s ugly and confusing with just the words on a blank screen. I agree, too. It isn’t very intuitive for users to move each word. I wish there was a way to make rectangles around them. Here is the example of what they thought was ugly and unacceptable: What I tried to do- I thought I was a genius by creating a graphic […]
Frustrated with the lack of synced audio in widgets? I have homemade ones.