Classic Learning Research in Practice – Constructivism – Reflective Practice

Putting Constructivism into practice with the Kolb Learning Cycle.

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Constructivism – Learning Styles

Knowing a Personality Type and learning style allows you to determine the strength and weaknesses in ones experiential learning cycle. The Kolb Learning Cycle starts with Concrete Experience CE (learn by example), Reflective Observations RO, Abstract Conceptualization AC, Active Experimentation AE.

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Behaviorism & Flow

How does it feel to be in “the Zone”? How can we adapt behaviour with less extrinsic and more intrinsic motivators.

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Bloom

Anderson/Krathwohl reviewed the bloom taxonomy in 2001 and changed it to a two dimensional table. The cognitive process to be developed in the student [verb] and the knowledge [noun] in which the cognitive process is to take place: The student will be able to or learn to, [verb] [noun].

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Learning Theories

Knowing how the brain operates can help you to build better learning experiences. And like any other muscle, we can train the brain to change its behavior. When keeping the correct flow, the brain can be rewired for attitude, knowledge, and skills. This way optimizing the learners effectiveness and resolving performance issues in his or her day to day life. Closing the gap between what is and what is expected by the learners environment.

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Avoid breaching Copyright

We are all owners – creators – consumers. If content creators want to protect their expressions with copyright then they will require a fixation in a tangible medium, that shows originality and is minimally creative. So copyright does not cover  Ideas, Concepts and Data, therefore you have patents, and non-disclosure agreements. Copyright contains a bundle of Exclusive Rights that can be transferred to: Reproduce, Distribute Copies, Create Derivative work, Perform Publicly, Display Publicly. Exceptions that do not violate copyright is Linking (does […]

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Free Portable Software Tool Box

Today software has become very accesible with the popularity of subscriptions.  And with the Adobe elearning community the softare rewards are great. But a training developer needs a big software toolbox, that contains a large set of tools that are only used spordically. Unfortunately this can come with a hefty price tag …

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Thinking Brain & Memory

Our brain is self-organizing using Neuroplasticity trough long term Potentiation, keeping hold of knowledge or depression by removing  irrelevant knowledge. Like on a computer system that has input devices to enter data, data has to be entered in our brain. This is not done by input devices but by receptors (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin) they receive millions of pieces of information that are delivered to the sensory memory. The Iconic Sensory Register is the most dominant and can hold information […]

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Neurotransmitters – Balance the Brain

People care because our triune brain, has an emotional side. This emtional side or emotional brain it is kept in balance by our neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are also known as the fast chemical messengers, and enable neurotransmission in the limbic (emotional) brain. These chemical messengers will have ups and downs equaling the trade offs of life. So basically, our brains are on drugs pretty much all the time. When using emotion during learning it will make a direct synapse connection and create deeper learning, compared […]

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Sensory Channels – Keep the Learners Attention

Once the learner feels connected, we need to maintain his attention and avoid multitasking. This can be done by channeling your content towards all of the learners senses: Iconic, Echoic, Haptic … Gustatory, Olfactory. Sensory input remains useless until it is processed by the brain where it becomes perception. Your eyes do not see; your ears do not hear, they just collect input from the environment. It is your brain that sees and hears. Perception starts at the sensory input, in the bottom-up processing approach (Gibson’s Theory). The sensory neural signals have […]

Classic Learning Research in Practice – Triune Brain – Connect to your Audience

We all have those moments that your learning does not seem to connect to the audience, we tend to blame the learners, however  it is the learning designer that is to blame. There is a vast amount of academic research available on how we learn … or how we build patterns in our brain … but how can you put all that research into practical use? Let us investigate the triune brain, and how this model helps you to connect to your audience. The triune […]

The Power of a Community

As a vendor you may have the best tools a user can buy, but what is it worth, if no one is using them? This is where the power of a community can help, as it stimulates the use of great tools trough social learning. The Adobe eLearning Community shares a wealth of information enabling social learning through video’s, discussions and showcases. Even going beyond the use of the Adobe tools with blogs covering eLearning Wisdom shared by professionals with […]