Project Preview problem since Captivate Update

Hello, this issue arose immediately after installation of version I began a project in previous version and problem was not present. When I preview my project – the infinite scroll sections are fine, however when a link jumps to the next slide, the slide is displaying almost half way down the page, so the user has to actually scroll up to see the content. I’ve tried everything, switching auto layout / autofit height / adjusting padding etc and nothing […]

Publish to Computer issue

I have previously published to computer on this machine and it worked. Using latest version of Captivate and have not published since the update. Now when I attempt to publish to computer nothing happens – no matter where I choose the location, here I have the default location of Documents>AdobeCaptivate. A red line appears in the progress as can be seen in the image attached. I would appreciate any help

Software Simulation – Assessment mode

Thanks in advance, I have tried everything and am unable to resolve. When creating the Software Simulation in all new Captivate I am encountering the following: It does not appear to be capturing text input or automatically generating text input fields. I am using simulation type: Assessment. In preferences > modes > Assessment I have checked: INPUT FIELD > Automatically add Input Fields for Text Fields. When I run test simulations that require text input, be in an application such […]