Hi: I’m creating files and publishing them as HTML5 -SCORM using Captivate 2017. I upload the files (or we refer to them as lessons) into Moodle. I’m finding that a timing out issue is preventing a grade to ever make it to the online gradebook. A user accesses a file or lesson, he or she clicks through a couple of the menu items (slides), and then steps away from the computer. The user doesn’t close out of the lesson even though warning […]
I created a set of SCORM packages for online training purposes, using Captivate 2017. Each file is a series of slides, and each slide has a .wav file that I imported and dropped on the page. The .wav files were created using Audition 2109. Last year, using the same programs (slightly older versions), and processes, I published these packages as swf files, and the audio played without any issues. This year, I’m attempting to publish them as HTML5. The audio […]