Adobe Captivate 5 has a new publish engine which tries to detect the slides modified by the user and just republishes the slides changed. In this post we will try to take a deeper look at captivate’s incremental publish engine. An Adobe Captivate project consists of a number of slides. In earlier versions of Adobe Captivate modifying any slide and publishing (Preview – F4 or Preview in Browser – F12 or Publish SWF) would result in the swf data for all the […]
In the previous post we looked at the different options that CP5 provides at the slide level to control the image quality and size. In this post we will look at the major changes in the way we publish images from CP4 to CP5. Captivate 4 publishes images that contain alpha as high quality images even if the slide quality setting was JPEG or low. In CP 5, the algorithm used for color selection when publishing with low quality has […]
Some captions and parts of images might have a dark background when published in CP5 with slide quality set as JPEG. The same project seems to work fine when published with CP4 with the same setting. This is because the mechanism to publish images has changed significantly from CP4 to CP5. In this two part blog series we look at information that you can use in Adobe Captivate 5 to parallel decide the quality of an image and the SWF […]