mLearning or the mobile learning is the latest way to access learning. We are able to access learning through mobile devices from anywhere at anytime. mLearning has reshaped the way of learning.
Student engagement in the classroom is dropping every year because they may be bored with that traditional stereotypical learning styles, though we can have better learning in this digitalized era. Ever wondered why they become inattentive in the classroom and fond of smartphones and tabs? Imagine what if we can introduce these technologies to school. Students will prefer technology-based learning than choosing a textbook based live class learning. Augmented reality is an emerging technology in education which can be used […]
E-learning in India has come a long way with the development of technology. India is one of the nations that is developing at an exponential rate in terms of technology. With the population of more than 1.3 billion, the availability of high-speed internet and smartphones, India has the most number of technologically driven persons. The rise of the internet has changed the way of life in India. People like to do everything online, they shop online, do business online, make friends […]
For over a decade educational technologies are emerging at exponential rates, But many schools and educational institutes fall short on understanding and utilizing these technologies. Today we are introducing 10 emerging technologies in e-learning that educators and school management must know/understand for providing quality education for the children. Let’s have a look at it. 1.Augmented reality Augmented reality is an exciting topic that educators need to know. According to Wikipedia, augmented reality defined as “an interactive experience of a real-world environment whereby the objects […]