Technologies like VR and AR, automation, and AI has brought disruption to our expectations for engaging, and experience-based learning. Workforce agility is congenitally linked to learning and the way enterprises approach L&D has a lot of impact on business outcomes. Even with large enterprises prioritizing continuous learning and development for employees, it proves rather tough to design and implement outcome-based learning programs. Aspect like employees scattered worldwide, employees working from home, and employee turnover it seems strenuous to design learning paths that fit and caters […]
Organizational competitiveness depends on learning agility of modern workforce. As technology adoption rate is increasing, businesses require new skill sets to cut through the intense competition. L&D initiatives employed to up-skill or re-skill employees measure the quality of the efforts but often miss out on the value they add to the business results. Also in a situation where talent management is constrained with time, intent, and budget, the unclear value-add of L&D to business can stop organizations from investing in such programs. These factors make it important […]
Creating the IT Workforce of the Future involves an appreciation of the changing nature of work, and of the workforce needed to enable digital transformation. MINDSET & FOCUS From a fixed mindset to a growth mindset From a focus on predictability and efficiency to speed-to-value and innovation (fail fast) TEAMS & BARRIERS From siloed teams with coordinated handoffs to integrated, cross-functional teams without barriers From larger, global delivery teams to smaller, agile “two-pizza” teams SKILLS & PROCESSES From I-shaped teams […]
Learning and Development today addresses the big challenge for IT enterprises, the re-engineering of its 4.1 million-strong workforce and create a talent pipeline to meet the demands of fast-transforming IT businesses. The rapid change in infrastructure and avenues like automation, big data, etc. making deep inroads into the supply chain, the demands of the industry’s global clientele have evolved as a challenge. But the rapid change in technology is not the issue. “The issue lies in the lack of professionals who can implement emerging technology […]
Businesses today compete in an environment which is ever-changing and goes through unprecedented technological evolution. Technologies like machine learning, AI, and automation are driving efficiencies and productivity for a business. But these changes are not all about the technology alone as it has shifted the mindset of how organizations create value for their customers. It has become increasingly important for enterprises to decide how they tap into the new talents and shifting skill sets that align with the overall pace of business and development of their employees. Given […]