Captivate 2019 Quiz Error – Keeps User In Progress, not able to complete training

I launched an eLearning course (created with Captivate 2019) with 10 quiz questions (multiple choice) at the end of the course. I have it configured to allow infinite number of retry attempts on each question and I allow the user to retake the quiz. I have two buttons at the end: Review Quiz and Retake Quiz. So far, 71 people have completed it with no errors. However, 12 have experienced issues with the submit button not accepting their answers (or […]

How to get rid of white page at the beginning of eLearning module?

I’m using Adobe Captivate 2019. When I publish as an eLearning SCORM module for our corporate LMS, there is a white (blank) page that appears when a user opens the module. How do I delete this page? It’s before the title/welcome page. Intuitively, the user usually selects the forward button and then starts the eLearning, but I don’t even see the page in my project to enter instructions on that page or to delete it altogether. When I view the […]