Incentives and Levels?

Hello, Are the “rules” still the same as what is mentioned in this post from 2018? We are in  Q4 but I haven’t received anything regarding the points and levels I earned last quarter. Thank you!

Favorite Feature in Captivate 2019?

My company is still using Captivate 9.  I am hoping to earn a license for the 2019 version so I can start playing around with it on my own to hopefully build a case for us to switch.  What are some of your favorite new features?  What are the ones you are having the most fun using in your projects?  Thanks!

Commenting in Discussions?

Hello!  I’m working on earning some points with this new incentive system (new to me, anyway…).  I’ve commented on a couple of things but they don’t show up.  Is there some kind of waiting period for comments?  Thank you!