Custom buttons – Gating – Slide revisit

For our captivate project, we have to use custom buttons because of some of the LMS requirements. (Yes-no prompt on exit button for example). Each slide is supposed to be gated so that the next button isn’t available until the end of the slide AND it has to be available when the slide is revisited without having to review the entire slide again. Right now I have the next button hidden and an advanced action executed on the load of […]

Need Bookmark Resume message to show up in Captivate 2019

Hi, I have the bookmark feature set and it is working fine–takes me back to where I left off but the client wants a resume message that allows the learner to resume where they left off or start at the beginning. I have seen posts about using the TOC self paced learning option but we are not using a TOC. I have tried it though (knowing I could hide the expand button for the TOC in a pinch) but this […]