Accessing Image by ID containing a specific word via an external JS file?

Calling a function to image in Captivate by id name from an external javascript file

Using javascript to jump to last slide in project (not based off of slide index or name)

Using javascript to jump to last slide of project (not by slide number).

Navigation between two Captivate projects (stop a page from reloading?)

Trying to build custom navigation between multiple captivate projects.

Image hit boxes not resizing/repositioning with image animation via GSAP

How does Captivate determine the hit box of images and is there a way to adjust to hitbox via javascript?

Delaying a function in Captivate’s Javascript window

Hello, I’m working on a project in Captivate 2017 and have a slide where I’d like an object to animate in, I am animating it in the javascript window (the on enter action of the slide) and I have it written like: var keyframes = [ { transform:’scale0.4)’ }, { transform:’scale1)’ } ]; var options = { delay: 1000, endDelay: 0, duration: 500, easing: ‘ease-out’, } I’d like it to animate on it’s own (not based on user interaction), but […]