I am running Captivate on a Mac with OS Catalina, version 10.15.5. The Captivate version is Lately, Captivate has started to perform extremely slow. It is actually not possible to use it for anything. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do to fix this?
Adobe Captivate makes language versioning a hard and frustrating task.
I am using Adobe Captivate In a course, I have imported an event video and added one of the default playbar skins. I have also checked the Auto Play option. The project is responsive. However, when previewing and exporting as xAPI, the playbar is gone. Can anybody tell me why, and what to do? Thanks
When a video file in a course is played on mobile, it automatically goes to full screen mode. this is confusing for the users, as they experience this as losing the navigation buttons? Is it possible to avoid the phone browser going to full screen mode?