E-learning has been around for a long time now to make it an established channel of training and education. It supplements traditional methods of education along with being a great tool for training on-the-job. It does however face the challenge of having to deliver a hefty syllabus. With the motivation to complete these courses being very low, dropout rates are high. This not only defeats the purpose of these platforms but also wastes the resources that have been invested to build it. Experts in the field of e-learning have been able to counter this problem with micro-learning.

Micro-learning is a highly focused method of e-learning which emphasizes on concepts or ideas by delivering them in bite sized learning nuggets. Although micro-learning is not a new concept (flash cards being a traditional example), it has certainly been reinvented by making it go digital. With micro-learning, information can be delivered not just via text but also through video, audio, interactive games, infographics and such. A highly mobile form of learning, it is smartphone compatible. Our short attention span seems to have made micro-learning all the more relevant.