Customizing text of Green Success Banners and Red Failure Messages

Customizing text of Green Success Banners and Red Failure Messages

Drag and Drop Widget Problems: Bugs occur when more objects than targets

Drag and Drop Widget Problems: Bugs occur when more objects than targets

Drag & Drop in New Captivate

Drag & Drop in New Captivate

Optimal dimensions for a video, to import into All New Captivate?

Optimal dimensions for a video, to import into All New Captivate?

All new Captivate buggy – where to report?

All new Captivate buggy – where to report?

“All new Captivate” seems buggy – crashing.

All new Captivate buggy – where to report?

Involuntary wrapping of titles in the “New Captivate” and inconsistent across device views

Problems with Titles and Tagline (subtitles) in new Captivate