Hi! Is the new Captivate the upgraded version of Captivate 2019? I have a subscription of Adobe Captivate 2019, but I see that 2019 too has a newer version. I am confused.
Hello! I tried to download the New Captivate. However, I am facing issues while downloading it. Please can anyone help?
Hi there! I am a bit confused with the two versions of Adobe Captivate. Which one’s better? What’s the difference between the two? Is the older one for complex projects and the new one for simpler ones?
Hey, everyone! I’m struggling to find the perfect balance between text-based and visual content. How do you create visually engaging courses without overwhelming learners with information?
Hi there! I need your views on whether the new Adobe Captivate is easier to use compared to the previous one. I mean, learning Captivate was always on my cards, but now I am unable to decide which version to explore. Help appreciated.
I need to create a short video of about 2-3 minutes on the overview of a new business process. I need to design it in the form of an infomercial. Please give me suggestions on this and on how to make the video interesting. What kind of visuals, animation, and music to add? Also, which tools do you guys frequently use for creating such videos?
Hi folks, I am new to accessibility. Could you please tell me what are the best practices that you follow while designing courses with accessibility?
Hi all! I am currently designing a program on Cyber Risk Management for my organization. In this program, I have to create awareness and drive home a few main points. Rather than present information screen after screen, no matter how visual or interactive, I decided to add the element of storytelling to make the program more interesting for the learners. I want to know from you all experienced IDs here how to balance storytelling with instructional objectives. How to integrate […]
Hi everyone! How do I transition into eLearning development? I am a veteran classroom teacher but now I want to explore the eLearning space. I am currently considering an instructional technology certificate program which also includes Adobe Captivate module. Any guidance on this will really be valuable.
This eBook aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) and how it can enhance the effectiveness of instructional materials.
Instructional designers play a crucial role in shaping how people learn and absorb information. By incorporating insights from cognitive psychology, we can create learning experiences that not only engage learners but also optimize the way their brains process and retain knowledge. This eBook will demystify the concept of cognitive load and offer practical guidance on how to integrate its principles into the design process.
This blog explores the different ways to gamify learning programs.
Imagine you are on a road trip with your best friend who happens to be an automobile expert. The two of you are having an amazing time but suddenly, due to some inexplicable reason, your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. What if you ask your friend to fix it and he says, “But I forgot my toolkit” Well, such an episode might simply ruin your entire itinerary. To not let such a situation hinder your instructional […]