Using Fluid Box Fill for eye-catching content in Captivate 2017

 Download the sample project here to try it yourself and follow along: Fill_In_Fluid_Boxes.cptx Can Fluid Boxes have Fill? Think of a Fluid Box in Captivate 2017 as a logical container, used to layout objects and content across any range of devices. So, by default, these containers are invisible in the published output – unless we apply a Fill to them. Fluid boxes can have different types of Fill – solid, gradient or image fill. These will act as a background for […]

Using Optional with Fluid Boxes in Captivate 2017 to customize content across devices

To follow along with this article, download the project from here: Customize_Content_Using_Optional and then continue. What is Optional? Optional is an option only available for Fluid boxes, and objects added to Fluid boxes. Marking an object optional means that if you view your project on a smaller screen, that object may be omitted from the output to properly fit in everything else. Hence, when there is not enough space on the screen, an optional object, or an optional Fluid box, will not […]

While Loop in Captivate 2017 Advanced Actions

To follow along and try it yourself, download the CPTX from: WhileLoop and open it in Captivate 2017 A “while” loop can be used to repeat a set of actions a certain number of times, or till a condition is met. It can also be used to repeat some actions infinitely. Let us use an example to demonstrate While loop in Captivate 2017. Create a new slide and insert some objects as below. You may use your own assets or use the […]