How do I add closed caption to audio within a state and or object? When I click on the audio in properties/options the closed caption tab is not available.
I opened a captivate project 9 project in Captivate 2019 and when I published it as HTLM5 it will not play at all. Any suggestions?
I have two small squares that show up on two slides while viewing a published project on a Windows PC, but they don’t show up while viewing on a Mac. One of the squares is over an image and the other one is after a colon: prior to a bulleted list. They were developed in 2017 on a Mac and viewed in Chrome. The squares do not show up on Firefox or Explorer on PC just Chrome. Below are the […]
missing font and bullet options
My Captivate 10 interactions will not work in preview mode or when published. I started this responsive project in 9 and converted it to 10. I added a new e-learning Click to Reveal interactions and when you click on the tabs it does not reveal the the information. It mostly stays on the introduction tab. I am using a iMac with Sierra, not high sierra. I found the reason the click to reveal interaction was not working is I had […]
I have several responsive projects I’m working in Captivate 9 in all the projects I am unable to Preview Project. On some it allows me to Preview Next 5 slides. The error I receive is “Cannot Open Project”. I’ve tried changing my default browser from Chrome to Safari and Firefox and that didn’t make a difference.
I am unable to open a Captivate Project 9 file I’ve been working on. I added an interaction the last time I worked on the file. The error I get is below. I appreciate any help.