Maintaining Keyboard Focus Part 2 – Accessibility Tip

Another aspect of keyboard accessibility when it comes to 508 compliance is not losing the focus on the screen. How can this happen you ask? Well, imagine you have a Captivate course that uses the show/hide commands in Advanced Actions to maneuver multi-state objects on the screen. Say you have something programmed where a user presses a button and it pops up a lightbox with more information about the course. Typically when you select a button, the focus field indicator […]

Maintaining Keyboard Focus – Accessibility Tip

When it comes to accessibility, people usually first think of closed captions and alternative text. But a major issue often overlooked is the importance of keyboard focus. There are individuals out there who are unable to use a mouse and rely exclusively on the keyboard to navigate on the computer. When you storyboard and develop your courses in Captivate, ensure that you have a visible keyboard focus indicator in the browser(s) that your organization/company is using! I had this problem […]