Problems with Cornerstone OnDemand reports?

Having issues with Cornerstone reports for SCORM data

How to see Captivate’s SCORM debug logs in an LMS

Captivate can show you SCORM debug logs in an LMS, but you have to modify a published file first.

Debug window is empty

no debug information

Scrollable formatted text

Captivate’s scrolling text widget only allows you to specify a single appearance for all the text displayed by the widget. All the text is one font, color, size, etc. I’ve always needed to use the scrolling text box because I put it on any slide that has narration and use it as a transcript. Since all the text is the same, there isn’t a way to bold specific words or add a bulleted list. One day it occurred to me that […]

SCORM 2004 data in Cornerstone OnDemand

When speaking with other Captivate authors who publish their files in Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD), the most frequent complaint regarding CSOD is the lack of quality, usable reporting of SCORM 2004 data. CSOD has a total of three SCORM 2004 reports and only one of these reports, the ‘Course Assessment Question Item Analysis’ (CAQIA), gives you data showing what users have selected or entered for graded SCORM objects. Unfortunately, all of the data you get is aggregated together so you can’t […]

Workspaces and multiple monitors

If your computer has the capability to use more than one monitor, I highly recommend it when working in Captivate. Monitors with higher resolutions do allow you to have more working space in applications, but the extra screen real estate you get with a second, and even third, monitor can greatly improve your workflow. Taking that one step further is Captivate’s custom Workspaces and then positioning pallets on another monitor instead of solely repositioning them within the application. I’ve been […]

Using CpExtra to create smart shape rollovers on the main master slide in Captivate 9

Changes to Captivate 9 resulted in smart shapes on master slides no longer having rollover effects. This tutorial shows you how to use the Infosemantics plugin CpExtra to get back the rollover effects when the smart shapes are on the main master slide.

Per-slide progress bars for Captivate tutorial

One of the more common requests I used to receive when developing trainings in Captivate was to have the progress bar show the duration and progress of each slide instead of the duration and progress of the entire project. While you can’t natively change the progress bar’s behavior to do this, I realized you can use tools available in Captivate to simulate this behavior on each slide. The tutorial video below will show you how to use smart shapes and […]