How to generate user Audit Trial Report in Adobe Learning Manager.

User audit trail reports User audit trail captures the life cycle of users, user groups, and self-registration profiles. User addition, deletion, change in Manager, are all captured. Creation and deletion of self-registration profiles are recorded. You can also pause and resume self-registration. You can Add, Enable, Disable, Pause, or Resume for External profiles while you can Add, Delete, Pause, or Resume for self-registration. CSV uploads are also captured. Select Report > Excel report > User Trail. The User Audit Trail dialog […]

How to add an old/deleted user again into the ALM with the same email address

There are a few requirements for your business where you would want a deleted user back into the system with the same email address. To access the old completion history, you need the same email address. To do so, follow the below steps. Workflow: We can add an old/deleted user again into Adobe Learning Manager with the same email address by editing the old user details. Login as an Administrator. Click on Users > User Cleanup. Select the Learner and […]

External Learners are unable to register for a profile in Adobe Learning Manager.

Issue: External Learners are unable to register to a profile. Error: Email id is already registered. Please use a different email. Description: There are scenarios in which a User is unable to register for an External Profile. While signing up, the user receives the above error. Registered as an Internal user. User is in a deleted state. Resolution: Scenario 1: User is present as an Internal Learner. Login as an Administrator. Click on Users > Internal. Select the Learner and click on […]

How to upload a file for Activity Module (File Submission) using APIs in Adobe Learning Manager

Upload a file using Learner APIs for file submission Activity Module. In this blog, I have attached a demonstration video of the workflow for file submission using APIs, using EvaporateJS with AWS V4 Signatures for testing. Pre-Requisites: Step -1: Save the Valid Access (oAuth) token from public APIs, as shown below. Step -2: After we save the access token, the public API upload info response will automatically fill in the text area. Step -3: Open the network log window, as […]