Font Issue Captivate 2019 Update

Hi, Late to the game with updating to Captivate 2019 11.5.0. I’m working with my company’s IT department to get the newest patch, but I don’t know that the patch will fix my issue based on information I could find in other threads in the forum. With this new font thing in the newest version, our company font (that was installed on my laptop locally) is reverting to Tahoma when I open old projects. Except, my intro slide doesn’t convert […]

TEB for name / next slide advanced action troubleshooting

I am creating a course that allows learners to type in their name which will appear on future slides. I am running into a problem with the Submit button advanced action script to advance the learner to the next slide. I have the variables v_name and v_null created (with no value in the value field). I created a conditional advanced action to trigger a “Try Again” warning (named Text Caption) if no name is entered, and advance to the next […]