Publishing Courses as Storyboards (Word output)

Follow these steps to publish Captivate eLearning course as a Storyboard. In Captivate, click File, select Print for the Print Window to display. Step Action 1 Enter the project’s name in the Project Title field. 2 Click Browse under the Folder field to choose a folder to save the published file. 3 Select Handouts from the Type drop-down menu. 4 Select the following under the Handouts Layout Options: ·   Use table in the output ·   Caption Text ·   Slide notes […]

Editing the Course Name in Project Preferences

Follow the instructions below to manually edit/enter the eLearning course name in the Project Preference screen, so the course name displays correctly when the course is launched in a Learning Management System. In Captivate: Click Edit/Preferences Under Quiz/Reporting Click Configure Type the course name in the title field(s) as circled. The words “eLearning Course” should be at the end of your title Click OK

How to Create a New Font Style in Captivate

In this short video I will show you how you can create/modify a new style option in Captivate without affecting the original style.
This will be helpful when developing future content as you can easily select the new style in the applicable sections of your course without having to do this manually each time. It also helps when you apply changes to the existing style and it wont compromise the sections where you manually modified the original style