In this recorded live stream, I will share how I develop scenario-based learning in my Adobe Captivate eLearning projects. This is the session I did at the Adobe Learning Summit in Las Vegas, NV. In this session, I will show you why Adobe Captivate 2019 is the ideal tool for developing scenario-based learning. In addition, I will be sharing some external tools and resources that can help you with your scenario-based learning designs.
In this video, I show you how you can combine Adobe Captivate effects and motion paths for your online learning projects.
In this video, I show you how to only show the continue button on the Adobe Captivate results slide if your learners pass the quiz.
In this video, I share my instructional design job interview secrets. Anyone can watch, but you must become a member to participate in the live chat and ask questions.
In this video, I will show you how to publish your Adobe Captivate project for the web, sign up for the Amazon AWS S3 service, configure the service for web hosting, and upload your published eLearning project for sharing on the web.
Do you want something different than your basic multiple choice knowledge check? Check out this dropdown knowledge check interaction.
In this video, I show you how you can link to other Adobe Captivate projects from within another Adobe Captivate project.
I’m entirely self-taught in Photoshop. During my 17 years as an Instructional Designer, I learned key workflows as the need arose. In this video, I share my top 7 photoshop skills that I use almost daily for my eLearning design and development.
Here is a way you can have more than one correct combination in an #AdobeCaptive drag and drop #elearning interaction