Changing Multi State Objects Using a Drag & Drop

Using drag and drop to trigger multi state objects as an alternative to a tabbed screen.

Add Vimeo Videos to Your Project

I saw that some people had some questions about this so I thought I would share my video I did on the topic of adding Vimeo videos to your Adobe Captivate project.

Create a Multiple Choice Picture Question

Inspired by a thread I saw on the forum, I put together this video on one way you can create your own multiple choice question that uses pictures instead of words.

Make Your Own Radio Button Interaction

Difference between a Click Box and a Button

A More Natural Text to Speech

One of my previous employers decided early on not to use voice talent for the narration in eLearning. I understand their decision. While a human voice has great advantage, text to speech is less costly and easier to edit and update in the future. The challenge for me was that they still expected a high quality narration for their eLearning. Anyone who has worked with the speech agents in Adobe Captivate soon realizes that simply copying and pasting the script […]

Have Pretest Count as Final Score

In this video I demonstrate my crazy solution to have a pretest count as a final test if successful.

Everything I Want In an LMS

This year I attended the Adobe eLearning conference in Washington D.C. as a presenter. My topic was about testing and tracking. Adobe asked me to include some details around reporting in their new LMS tool Adobe Captivate Prime. I did an initial preview when this LMS was first launched but I didn’t think much more about it until this week. You see Adobe reactivated my trial and I’ve had to actually do some things in the LMS in preparation for my […]

An Important Difference Between Event & Multi Slide Synchronized Video

I get lots of questions through my YouTube channel and I often answer those questions with a video. In this case a viewer asked me about having navigation controls for their embedded videos in Adobe Captivate. Watch this video to see my answer for the viewer:

Iconography for Your eLearning

I’ve discovered a great resource for developing iconography for your eLearning and it’s a font! Yes I know, I’m amazed that something as simple as a font can be used to create hundreds of the icons, navigation controls and user interface elements for your eLearning – Wow! The font is called Font Awesome and contains iconography for all kinds of elements that you might need to include in your eLearning course. To be clear, the people behind Font Awesome are […]

My Favourite New Feature in Captivate 9 – Multi-state Objects

Probably my favourite feature addition for Adobe Captivate in recent years is multi state objects. When it was first released with the launch of Adobe Captivate 9, I was initially lukewarm to multi-state objects. Prior to version 9, I had three states in my image buttons for up, down, and over; and that was just fine with me. What I didn’t realize was how many different situations I could use multi state objects for. I decided to share some of […]