When you need to match a website or the look of some learning, knowing what font to use is a key part of the simulation. This tutorial will show you a shortcut on finding a font that looks similar to a website or learning course.
Learning JavaScript can be difficult. Did you know that you can use the AI chat engine ChatGPT to write JavaScript for you? This script can then be incorporated into your Captivate projects.
You can use Premiere Pro to mix both landscape and portrait videos in one project. Rather than having black bands on the left and right of the portrait video, you can follow this effect to fill in the whole screen.
I couldn’t find an easy way to clear a text input field. This tutorial will show you a simple JavaScript line of code that can clear the fields for you.
When you import a Photoshop document into Premier Pro, you have a choice on how the document can be imported. In this tutorial, I import the layers separately and show you something you can do with the different layers.
If you find that you have to trim images that you have screen captured, it can be very time consuming. This tutorial will show you a workflow that can significantly improve the workflow.
Watch a demonstration on the use the Content Aware Move tool. Also see the advantage of using an extra layer so you don’t destroy the original image.
Use a simple JavaScript to animate an arrow based on a percentage. This video will outline the process and explain the code line by line so it will be easy to recreate.
Have you noticed that when you put a web object or HTML5 Animation in your project, it ignores the layering within the Captivate timeline and the object always appears over your Captivate content. This video will show you how fix that issue.
Visual Design aims to build on improving the user experience through illustrations, photography, fonts, space, layout and colours. However, most people working in the eLearning field do not have formal training as a graphic designer. How do you improve the user experience through Visual Design? This stimulating lighthearted session will show you some simple techniques to help make you visually literate. Your screens will pop when you follow some of the tips provided to you. We will look at some […]
See how fast it is to build an animated GIF with an image sequence using Adobe Animate.
In this time of closures, traditional place-based conferences are going online. While there is a lot of energy and reward attending a traditional conference, can an online conference give you the same value?