Few weeks back, we posted the first part of this blog series in which we discussed how Casey, an occasional user of Captivate can make use of the analytics in ACCC (Adobe Captivate Course Companion). Today’s blog post is about how Robert, an intermediate-level user of Captivate can make use of the analytics in ACCC in order to understand users engagement with his courses. Robert : I create courses for a large audience. I have a standard group of reviewers […]
Course Companion for Adobe Captivate (ACCC) provides content creators learning analytics that help them understand learners’ response to course content created using Captivate. ACCC allows content creators to instantly measure and visualize learner engagement with the learning content. Well, there are content developers who create courses every day and there are some who create courses occasionally. Some courses are revised very often while others contain static information that do not need any revisions. Do learning analytics in ACCC help all […]
“Course Companion for Adobe Captivate 6(A3C)” – a solution which can help you track how learners have been interacting with your Adobe Captivate courses. It gives you insight on aspects such as: how much time learners are spending on slide which interactive items they are interacting with how much time they are away from slide, on which slide they are dropping out of the course how many times they are visiting a slide how they have been performing on the […]
In Adobe Captivate 5 master slide is a feature which allows author to share their common content and reuse across slides. The limitations with master slides (m/s) are that you cannot edit the m/s objects on slides. They can be edited only on master slides and any editing done will be reflected on all linked slides. But we assume authors want to create a slide from master slide and want to edit them also on respective slides. What do you do […]
The requirements of eLearning projects are always changing. Consider this – You have a captivate project of say 100 slides and suddenly hears from your client that their background color needs to be changed, few slides should have a company logo. You could have changed project background color and added the logo on first slide and made it visible for “rest of the project” – but what if slides being changed are not continuous. What do you do now. Go on […]
Adobe Captivate supports three kinds of objects. Static , Interactive and Question. Static objects inside Captivate are Text captions, animation, highlight box. Difference between static and interactive objects are that latter allows user to interact which means that when on slide it should pause the slide. It has success, failure and hint captions associated with it which are shown in corresponding cases. And lastly it can participate in scoring of the course. An example of interactive object in captivate would […]
File size could be an important consideration in creating eLearning contents especially in cases when it has to be put on websites or blogs. I was going through few discussions on web about file sizes best practices in Adobe Captivate. There are many things which you could do to reduce the file size. Most of them revolves around the quality of the assets inside the courses. The higher the quality – higher the file size. If trying out the best […]
Adobe Captivate 4 has a feature using which you can access and control captivate movies from external movies. You can find more details here. Here is how you access Adobe Captivate movie variables from external swf: Action Script 3: root.<variable_name> Ex: root.rdinfoCurrentSlide, root.cpInfoAuthor Action Script 2: _root.<variable_name> Ex: _root.rdinfoCurrentSlide, _root.cpInfoAuthor Note : Few of the variables in Captivate AS2 movie are defined inside movie class. Hence cannot be accessed directly with _root. In these cases _root.movie.<variable_name> is the correct way […]
Audio narration is an integral part of an eLearning course and till now one needed to hire external resources to do voice overs to their projects. Gone are those days – You can now do it yourself using Adobe Captivate 4’s new text-to-speech feature. But there is one limitation in this. Only the text in slide notes panel can be converted to speech. Now when recording (capturing) an application, Captivate generates auto captions for all the steps involved. This is […]
The workflow to do screen recordings has been changed in Adobe Captivate 4. The new workflow is more intuitive and user friendly. But do you sometimes feel that you are not able to position your recording area on the application exactly as you want. For example – You want to record the browser window .In the scenario below you are not able to clearly position the window since the buttons of the capture window are blocking the browser window at […]
articulate engage,adobe captivate,migration,reuse elearning content,adobe elearning suite In previous posts we have seen how we can reuse Articulate Presenter files by converting it to Adobe Presenter files. Adobe presenter is a part of Adobe eLearning suite. In this post we will see how you can use existing Articulate Engage or Quizmaker output files inside Adobe Captivate 4 project. The rule is “Adobe Captivate movie plays the engage movie as long as engage movie can find the dependent files as it […]