Autoformat TEB entries in Cp 2019??

Is there a way to autoformat text from TEB user entries? For example: user types 5000 in a TEB. Is there a way to auto format that entry so that the text can appear as $5,000.00? I’m aware that I can restrict max # of characters, numbers only, etc. but I haven’t found a way to do what I’ve just described. I’m thinking it will require some JS coding but I’m hoping it won’t because JS coding expert I am not.

How do I validate user input for multiple text boxes simultaneously?

I’m trying to figure out how to use Captivate to simulate completing an online form by validating user’s input of multiple text entry boxes. I considered using the validate user input check box function however that will only allow me to validate user input for one text box. I need to validate user input from multiple text boxes like First Name, Last Name, address. I want feedback text to pop up if the user fails to enter exact metadata within […]