I am a PC and Android user 100%, so I had to borrow my daughters iPad to test out Adobe Captivate Draft. As a designer, I am a true believer in storyboarding. I believe that creating a master document that shows your plan of action is good for both the builder and the client, so I wanted to see if Adobe Captivate Draft had enough for me to invest in an iPad of my own. I found the ability to […]
As an instructional designer and content developer I make a habit of trying to stay up to date on the tools available for eLearning development. I regularly will download trail versions of software when new versions come out and will spend time evaluating them. Usually I will spend a few hours over a few days going through the software, following YouTube tutorials learning the basics (enough to keep the title on my resume). Last month, I applied for an instructional […]
For Captivate users who also use Moodle as your LMS, you can easily export quiz questions in the GIFT quiz format that can then be imported into Captivate. So if you have questions banks filled with quiz questions, you can easily import those questions into Captivate.
For major video projects, or when I need to edit videos beyond just trimming I use Adobe Primer; however, when I needed to do just short Web cam videos or screen captures I would used other tools, mainly Techsmith’s Camtasia Studios. But the other day I downloaded Adobe Presenter Express and I was very impressed. Adobe Presenter Express is a top notch capture program, and it is fast! Creating tutorials using screen capture was easy and intuitive and the “Change Your […]
I am an instructional designer and the majority of my audiences are adult learners. Because I design and create instruction for adult learners, I have adopted Malcolm Knowles’s adult learning theory of Andragogy as an intricate part of my design style. Instruction for adults needs to focus more on process and less on the content being taught. The most useful strategies for adult learning are case studies, role playing, simulations, and self-evaluation, and a tool like Captivate is ideal for creating such […]
I have been an instructional designer for 17 years, and I had used Adobe Captivate many years (and versions) ago. I have been looking to move from higher education into corporate training and one of the requirements I see most often in postings is Adobe Captivate experience, so to make sure I was up to date on Captivate, I downloaded the free trail. Adobe Captivate 2017 and its ability to create responsive content has come a long way over the […]