Hello from Chicago! When I preview a project, any project, Captivate generates files titled ” Audio_xxxxx.stp” . These files are stored in the project Cache. The issue is that ALL these .stp files include a blank space preceding the word “Audio” thus rendering the file name invalid. This invalid file name is causing havoc with my company’s OneDrive and stops OneDrive from syncing until I manually delete these .stp files from the project cache. Some projects generate well over 100 […]
Greetings from Chicago! I’m sure there’s a simple solution to this.. On the quiz results slide: I need to display (show) a “Continue” button when the learner passes the quiz. The Continue button will move the learner to the final slide of the project which is just simple “congratulations” message and some simple directions. If the learner does not pass the quiz, the “Continue” button is hidden and the “retake” button is displayed. I appreciate any help you folks can […]