Sending e-mail on completion of a course (without quiz or question slides)

Have you ever felt the need of sending an e-mail notification as soon as a course or a captivate demonstration is over. We know about the “Send E-Mail” button in the Results slide but what if there are no question slides or quiz in your project?? Here is how you could do this very easily using the following steps: 1. Add a question slide and then remove the quiz slide so that only the result slide remains. In the result […]

Captivate Widgets Tutorial: Create your first Widget

Greetings, widget enthusiasts!! In this post I am going to help you create your first Captivate Widget in just a few steps. And by the end of this post you will be able to actually see your widget in Action inside Captivate. Today I’ll demonstrate how you can create a simple ‘Print Slide’ widget. So, shall we get started? Launch Captivate and do a File->New->Widget in Flash. Choose Widget type -> Static and ActionScript Version-> ActionScript2.0. Hmm, now you see […]