HTML 5 courses published from Adobe Captivate freezes on the latest versions of Google Chrome Browser – 36.0.1985.125. We have investigated the issue and our findings are listed below . BTW ,we are still continuing to investigate if there any potential issue which is unknown at the moment and will keep you folks posted. So far, we have found the following issues: Issue 1: HTML 5 content freezes on launch in Chrome 36 with a JavaScript error. Reason: The support for deprecated […]
Hey Captivate Developers , Have you ever wondered.. 1. How to bring in beautiful HTML animations created using various tools inside a Captivate course? 2.How to publish your courses as Native Apps to various devices and platforms like Android and iOS ? I am sure some of you would have tried either one of the above and have hopefully succeeded in the hard way . We have just made things easy for you by creating a cross platform APP which enriches Captivate HTML 5 content by embedding of […]
As E-learning course authors you would have wished to help your students when they are stuck instantly and your students could also collaborate among themselves real time more like a classroom setup which results in effective learning. This real time collaboration is now possible using Adobe Captivate Course Companion widget which is now extend to support this . There is no installation required for the course author all he has to do is to insert the widget in captivate course and check enable for collaboration […]
We found that in some of Vista machines with Real tek or Sigma tel sound card audio inside captivate doesn’t play back. Some customers who use USB mic for recording narration also observed that device is not getting detected by Captivate. These issues were reported more on Vista and we have one solution to address both the problems. – replacing the audio dll’s , Steps Close Captivate 4 if it is open. Download the file kept at Go to […]
Captivate 3 doesn’t preview inserted animations, FLV’s if the user system has Flash player 10. This is a bug in Cp3 and this bug doesn’t affect preview in browser or published SWF. The preview code of cp3 looks for installed flash version and if it doesn’t find anything between Fp 6 to Fp9 it publishes the preview in Fp6 and hence animations which are greater than 6 and FLV don’t show up in preview. For preview in browser and publish […]